Dynamic Content Replacement
For Your Landing Page

Increase your sales & conversion rates by up to 35%. Create personalized websites, landing pages & funnels exactly according to the visitor's intention: 
 Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR)  Dynamic Image Replacement  Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI)


How admatchly works

With the software admatchly you can dynamically adapt the statement of a landing page exactly to the advertisement or keyword. Your keywords, your ad text & your landing page are matched to each other ⇾ 100% Message-Match.

 Dynamic Text Replacement Using The Example Of Candle Light Dinner London -> Matched Search Query, Google Ads, Landing Page

 Dynamic Text Replacement Using The Example Of London Romantic Dinner For 2 -> Matched Search Query, Google Ads, Landing Page

Personalize & customize elements like:

  • Headlines on the search intention
  • Subheadlines on the key messages of your ad
  • Images & graphics
  • button labels
  • Link destinations of your buttons and links
  • Replace certain words with your keywords (Find & Replace)

Your benefits with admatchly


100% message match
in campaigns

With admatchly you can match your landing pages exactly to the message of your campaigns. This optimises clarity and value proposition for the individual visitor. 


Better ROI
on Google Ads

Play out dynamically relevant and matching content on your landing page, exactly in line with the ad text. Personalise the content down to keyword level.

Better ROI
on Facebook Ads

Test different ads and dynamically adapt your landing page to each ad creative. Personalise the content down to ad level.

Saves extremely
much time

With admatchly you can create 10, 100 or 1,000 exactly matching landing pages in a few minutes based on only one version of your landing page. General changes to the base page are automatically applied in all versions.


in just 5 minutes

Sign up for a free admatchly account and embed the code on every page of your website. Now you can dynamize and personalize content.


Works with
every website

admatchly runs independently of the CMS, web builder or website generator used. Even on static pages admatchly can be implemented in 5 minutes.


Start in 3 steps with admatchly


Create a free account

You can test admatchly for 14 days for free. Just sign up for a free account and start increasing your conversion rates today.


Implement admatchly-code

After account opening and project creation you will receive the admatchly code for your project. Simply implement this code into your website.


Define your content rules

Create content variations in admatchly for any number of pages and page elements, e.g. for each of your Google Ads keywords. You can create variations for headlines, texts, buttons, images and link targets.

Chart: Up To 35% Increase In Conversion Rate. Lowering Quality Score. Lowering CPC

Any number of multiple adjustments on any number of pages

Change as much content on your page as you want. Whether headlines, texts, button labels, link targets, images or CSS styles (coming soon). You can tailor all content exactly to the visitor intention.

Screenshot: admatchly Landing Page Variations

Simple element selection per click

Select content to be changed with the intuitive point-and-click editor, simply by ID, class or specific CSS path.

 admatchly - Point And Click Editor For Variable Landing Pages

Internal Preview Tool

With the integrated page preview you can see the content changes of the dynamic rules before going live with just one click. Test and check every rule you create.

 admatchly - Preview Dynamic Landing Pages

Copy, Duplicate, Paste

With admatchly you can implement your campaigns very quickly. Simply copy & duplicate your configurations and modifications.

 admatchly - Copy, Duplicate, Paste Landing Page Modifications

Bulk upload of all your modifications

No matter if you want to create 2, 10 or 10.000 individual versions of your site. Just load your customizations as EXCEL, CSV in admatchly.

 admatchly - Bulk Upload Landing Page Variants As EXCEL Or CSV File

Powered by admatchly




Choose between monthly and annual payment:



per month
(annually billing)

Save more than 15 %!

1 domain

unlimited pages

unlimited users

10.000 Landing Page-Views monthly

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per month
(annually billing)

Save more than 15 %!

5 domains

unlimited pages

unlimited users

50.000 Landing Page-Views monthly



per month
(annually billing)

Save more than 15 %!

unlimited domains

unlimited pages

unlimited users

500.000 Landing Page-Views monthly

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unlimited domains

unlimited pages

unlimited users

individual monthly amount Landing Page-Views



per month
(Monthly billing)

1 domain

unlimited pages

unlimited users

10.000 Landing Page-Views monthly

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per month
(Monthly billing)

5 domains

unlimited pages

unlimited users

50.000 Landing Page-Views monthly



per month
(Monthly billing)

unlimited domains

unlimited pages

unlimited users

500.000 Landing Page-Views monthly

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unlimited domains

unlimited pages

unlimited users

individual monthly amount Landing Page-Views

All prices exkluding VAT · Offer only to business customers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) or Dynamic Text Replacement (DTR)?

DKI and DTR are mostly used synonymously and stand for the dynamic adaptation of contents of an ad or landing page to the intention of a user, such as the exact search query on Google. The aim is to improve the message match between search query, ad text and landing page content. The optimized message match increases the relevance of the landing page, which should lead to an increase in the conversion rate on the one hand and to more favorable click prices by increasing the quality score on Google Ads on the other. The visitors are sent to URLs with integrated GET parameters. The GET parameters are used as triggers for the dynamic rules and content modifications. With admatchly you can create and manage any number of content modification rules for each GET parameter and its values. For example, if you pass each keyword posted to Google Ads, you can make content modifications for each individual keyword and transfer this keyword to your landing page in the customer's preferred language or expression, or specific content.

What can I achieve with DKI/DTR?

In various tests we were able to achieve conversion rate increases of up to 35% (based on the complete campaign) with Dynamic Keyword Insertion or Dynamic Text Replacement. In individual ad groups or for individual keywords, increases of 200 to 400% are also possible. In addition, the quality score e.g. in Google Ads should increase and you should achieve lower click prices. Unfortunately, this second aspect cannot be tested and evaluated exactly, since an A/B test cannot be implemented methodically and measurable within Google Ads. However, in addition to increased conversion rates, we regularly observe an increase in quality scores when using DKI/DTR.

Can I run admatchly with my content management system?

Yep. admatchly can be run on any HTML-based page. If you can integrate the implementation code, you can also use admatchly.

What is a admatchly project?

You need one admatchly project per domain on which you want to run admatchly. If you have 5 websites on 5 domains you need 5 activated projects. You can use admatchly on as many subdomains of a domain as you want.

What does "landing page view" mean?

A "landing page view" is a page view of a page modified by admatchly. The system only counts calls on which modifications have actually been triggered.

Can I test admatchly for free?

Yes, of course. You can create a free admatchly account and test admatchly for 14 days for free. After that we hope to have convinced you of admatchly.

Can I integrate admatchly via the Google Tag Manager?

Yes, the admatchly code can be integrated via the Google Tag Manager or another tag management system. However, for even faster loading times and lower latency, we recommend to integrate it directly on your site. The Anti-Flickering-Script should be implemented directly on your site.

How can I cancel admatchly?

You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking on the button "cancel admatchly" in your account settings. admatchly will be available until the end of the current accounting period. Please note that your data will be deleted 1 month after termination.
